Surviving the Dragon’s Attack

Surviving the Dragon's Attack

Today’s reading is Revelation 11-12.

It is likely too simplistic to say the woman and child in Revelation 12 are Mary and Jesus. However, I think we can say that the imagery of Mary and Jesus are used to make a greater point. The Christ came into the world as a baby. Satan attacked. But Christ survived. Of course, the baby grew and Satan attacked again. While Christ died, He still survived, being resurrected. Satan knows he is defeated, so he attacks us the followers of Christ. However, if we hang on to the blood of the Lamb, proclaiming the testimony of Jesus, and are willing to follow Jesus to death, we will survive the dragon’s attack just like Mary did, just like Jesus did. Hang on to Jesus.

Monday’s reading is Revelation 13-14.

A Word for Our Kids

Hey kids, I hope you are seeing what I told you on our first day in Revelation. God always wins. No matter what it looks like in the moment, God ultimately wins. The two witnesses are killed and the world rejoices over their bodies, but God raises them up (just like He did Jesus) and the enemies are judged. The dragon attacks the woman and the child, but they survive and the dragon is defeated. I know these accounts are odd all by themselves, but if you pick up that God wins every time, you’ll get the point. Our God wins every time. Hang on to Him.

Photo by Graceway Media

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