Surviving the Dragon’s Attack

Surviving the Dragon's Attack

Today’s reading is Revelation 11-12.

It is likely too simplistic to say the woman and child inĀ Revelation 12 are Mary and Jesus. However, I think we can say that the imagery of Mary and Jesus are used to make a greater point. The Christ came into the world as a baby. Satan attacked. But Christ survived. Of course, the baby grew and Satan attacked again. While Christ died, He still survived, being resurrected. Satan knows he is defeated, so he attacks us the followers of Christ. However, if we hang on to the blood of the Lamb, proclaiming the testimony of Jesus, and are willing to follow Jesus to death, we will survive the dragon’s attack just like Mary did, just like Jesus did. Hang on to Jesus.

Monday’s reading is Revelation 13-14.

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Keep Pursuing with Faith and Patience

Faith and Patience

Today’s reading is Hebrews 5-6.

“And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness to have the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”

Then he gives us an example to imitate: Abraham. God promised to bless and multiply Abraham when he was 75, and Abraham believed Him. Five years went by, ten years went by, fifteen years went by, twenty years went by and no fulfillment. Twenty-five years later, Abraham had one offspring and then God told him to kill the boy. However, Abraham believed and he patiently endured in his faith. His family became an entire nation that still exists. God has given us promises, and many of us have been waiting a long, long time for those promises to be fulfilled. Don’t turn from the promises. Keep patiently enduring in faith, just like Abraham. God will keep His promises.

Tomorrow’s reading is Hebrews 7-8.

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Against Such There is No Law


Today’s reading is Galatians 5-6.

Where do I draw the line? That is a question we often ask about various issues, supposed gray areas, moral lines. But notice what Paul says about the fruit of the Spirit. There is no line on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We never have to worry that we have pursued any of these too much or let them go too far in our lives. There is no law against these. In fact, this may be the best way to draw good lines on the other issues. If what we are doing is pursuing true love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, then the lines on the other issues are probably going to fall into place all on their own. Walk by the Spirit today, bear the Spirit’s fruit, don’t worry about their lines.

Tomorrow’s reading is Ephesians 1-2.

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A Tale of Two Cities (Part 1)

city walls by jonl1973

Today’s reading is Revelation 17-18.

The end of Revelation is a tale two cities: Babylon the Great and the New Jerusalem. The former is a harlot, the latter the pure bride of Christ. As Jesus reveals this part of His message to John, he borrows from the long story of cities throughout the Bible. It hearkens back to the greatest battle Jerusalem faced when the city of Babylon sent an army to destroy Jerusalem and take captive its inhabitants. In the long run, though Babylon at first won victory, she was ultimately destroyed by God and Jerusalem rebuilt. Borrowing from that, Jesus provides a new vision. Once again, Babylon the Great (whether a reference to “Old” Jerusalem or Rome is really immaterial) is laying siege to Jerusalem (the new one, Christ’s church). While there may seem to be some victory for a time as the kings of earth join the harlot, in the end, “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!” No matter which city opposes Christ’s city, whether Old Jerusalem, Rome, London, Mecca, Washington, Moscow, or even Tampa, and no matter how dark the days of opposition may become, rest assured that city will fall before Christ and His City, His Holy Bride. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow’s reading is Revelation 19-20.

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Keep Growing

growth by Barbara

Today’s reading is 1 Peter 5-2 Peter 1.

All this talk about the pursuit of holiness can get a little frightening. That is especially so because we are all intimately acquainted with our shortcomings in the pursuit. But notice Peter’s statement: “For if these qualities are yours and are increasing…” (ESV). If the qualities are increasing, that means I will have more faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, patience, godliness, kindness, and love tomorrow than I do today. That means today I am lacking some aspects of each of those. Yet, because they are increasing I am useful and fruitful in the knowledge of Jesus even now. Pursuing holiness is not about where we are, but what direction we are heading. Don’t be discouraged because you have room to grow; be encouraged because you are growing. Keep pursuing holiness.

Tomorrow’s reading is 2 Peter 2-3.

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